
Recyclingcluster focuses on the recycling industry and provides both an opportunity for the recycling industry to find new partners and for other visitors to easily find help from the recycling industry.

Stats for Recyclingcluster

Our network has had a total of about 60,000 unique visits and 100,000 visits per week. Our visitors stay after their initial visit. They read on average two pages per week. A large number of our visitors becoming members as well. This is a sign that our network is reaching the correct visitors. In our app, where our users can easily connect with others in the recycling industry, we have a significantly higher number of returning visitors and our newsletter reaches all our subscribing members with a estimated openers of 80%.

Target Group

A highly targeted network for the recyclingindustry and the potential it offers you as a supplier/partner. Our visitors are composed of 52% businesses within the scrap industry, 30% individuals showing interest in the industry and 10% companies or other visitors looking for something within the recycling industry and the last 8% bounced, with an age median of 38 years. Our network has enabled us to reach a target audience that few networks can.

We offer an international platform with visitors coming from all over the world. They are all interested in anything related to scrap and recycling. If your company is looking to expand its reach and visibility within this industry or find new customers, our platform can be highly beneficial.

Does it sound interesting?

Contact us and we will find a solution to your needs!
For collaborations, general inquiries and alike, contact Sales at


SizeCPMMax Weight
Desktop980x300 px22550 kb
Desktop980x480 px30075 kb
Desktop980x600 px400150 kb
Mobile320x160 px15050 kb
Mobile320x240 px17550 kb
Mobile320x320 px22570 kb
Mobile320x480 px30070 kb

News & Tips from Recyclingcluster

© 2023 Recyclingcluster AB. Recycling platform for companies to share information, resources, and opportunities so that they can better collaborate and succeed in their recycling efforts.